1% Better: How to Manage Mulitple Interests, Luck Surface Area, and Real Life Cheat Codes

By Colby Kultgen

Hey friends.

Welcome to 1% Better.

Every Monday, I share the 5 best things I've discovered in the last 7 days.

Let's dive in.

Today at a Glance:

  • Idea: How to increase your luck surface area
  • Video: How to manage multiple interests
  • Quote: The secret to growing quickly
  • Thread: Advice for people under 30
  • Visual: The truth about self-care

Read time:
3 minutes

1% Better is brought to you by Shortform:

The easiest way to build a reading habit

Do you struggle to read consistently?

I know I did.

Each year I would set a goal to read more—and each year I would fail.

It took a lot of trial and error, but I was finally able to build a consistent reading habit thanks to 2 things:

  1. Buying a Kindle
  2. Signing up for Shortform

Shortform makes the best book summaries in the world.

They do an amazing job of highlighting the key lessons from each book without losing any important context.

Here are 3 of my favorite summaries I think you should check out:

  1. Atomic Habits by James Clear
  2. Deep Work by Cal Newport
  3. How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes

P.S. The first 1,000 people who sign up with my link will get a 5-day trial + 20% off the annual plan.

How to increase your luck surface area

Loved this post from George Mack.

It immediately reminded me of one of my favorite quotes:

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."

Remember this:
You have more control over your luck than you realize.

How to manage multiple interests - Video by Odysseas

I struggled with this for a long time.

I wanted to do EVERYTHING.

Reading, writing, drawing, making music, going to the gym, playing sports, creating content.

I had so many interests that I actually became paralyzed by the sheer number of options I had given myself. Rather than making progress in any one area, I found myself spinning my wheels in a bunch of different ones.

This is the video I needed back then.

It lays out practical steps to manage multiple interests, including:

  1. How to choose what matters most to you
  2. How to manage your time (without burning out)
  3. How to design a plan to maximize your interests
  4. How to avoid shiny object syndrome

Let me know if you can relate to this feeling.

A quote I can't stop thinking about

If there's a better quote about personal development, I haven't found it.

Self-awareness is the cornerstone of personal growth.

Understanding who you truly are, knowing both your strengths and weaknesses.

This is essential for making meaningful change in your life.

By exposing the cracks in your self-perception, you let the light in—illuminating the areas that need improvement.

4 uncomfortable truths you may need to face:

1. Skill Gaps: Acknowledging that you lack the skills necessary to advance your career or business can be tough. Accepting it allows you to seek training, mentorship, or education to bridge the gap.

2. Relationship Issues: Realizing that you may be contributing to conflicts in your relationships can be uncomfortable. It requires you to reflect on your behaviors, such as poor communication or neglect, and work on improving them.

3. Health Habits: Admitting that your lifestyle choices, such as poor diet or lack of exercise, are affecting your health is difficult but necessary. This truth can motivate you to adopt healthier habits.

4. Financial Mismanagement: Accepting that your spending habits are leading to financial instability is vital for making better financial decisions and achieving financial stability.

Answer this:
What necessary truth are you avoiding?

A list of real life cheat codes - Thread from rAskReddit

Lots of gems in here.

A few of my favorites:

Talk positive about people behind their backs.
Have friends generationally older and younger than yourself.
To learn something repeat it to yourself three times on the day you learn it, two more times the next day, once the day after that, and you know it (most of the time).
When your alarm goes off in the morning, do not think. Only react. If you sit up immidiately and start getting out of bed, it becomes a reflex. No more lying in bed for hours "trying to wake up". Now I hear my alarm and brain is alert and ready
People like talking about themselves more than they like hearing about you. If you interact with people for work memorize 1 thing about them, could be a kids name, a sport they like, a hobby they do, their job, etc. Ask them about it every once in a while. People are always surprised and appreciate your interest in them.

The truth about self-care

Self-care can look like this:
- A night of Netflix
- A pizza date with your partner
- Taking a long bath

It can also look like this:
- Going to the gym
- Cleaning up your apartment
- Cooking healthy meals in bulk

There’s no “right” way to recharge, listen to your body and do what works best for you.

Have a great week!


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Hi! I'm Colby!

I'm obsessed with living a better life each and every day. I want to share what I learn and discover with you.

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By Colby Kultgen Hey friends. Welcome to 1% Better! If you're new here, this is the newsletter where I share the 5 best things I find each week to help you get a little better each day. Let's dive in! Today at a Glance: Article: 100 Tricks to Sort Out Your Life Tweet: Mastery is the best goal Idea: The Rule of 100 Video: 5 Productivity Principles that Actually Work Image: Work smarter not harder Read time: 4 minutes 100 tiny tricks to sort out your life - Article from The Guardian You guys...

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By Colby Kultgen Hey friends. Welcome to 1% Better! If you're new here, this is the newsletter where I share the 5 best things I find each week to help you get a little better each day. Ok, let's dive in! Today at a Glance: Infographic: How to Google Like a Pro Video: How to remember everything you read List: 10 productivity tools for a 'finite' life Idea: The harsh truth about time Tweet: What if Instagram was like a shop Read time: 4 minutes View this email in your browser 1% Better is...

By Colby Kultgen Hey friends. Welcome to 1% Better! If you're new here, this is the newsletter where I share the 5 best things I find each week to help you get a little better each day. Quick note: Last week's issue was redirected to a lot of people's promotion folder. If you missed it, you can read it here. To make sure this doesn't happen in the future, simply reply to this email with "hey". Ok, let's dive in! Today at a Glance: Idea: The "To-Start" List Video: How to Slow Down Time...