1% Better: My New Favorite Procrastination Hack, How to Slow Down Time, and The 'Let Them' Theory

By Colby Kultgen

Hey friends.

Welcome to 1% Better!

If you're new here, this is the newsletter where I share the 5 best things I find each week to help you get a little better each day.

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Ok, let's dive in!

Today at a Glance:

  1. Idea: The "To-Start" List
  2. Video: How to Slow Down Time
  3. Concept: The "Let Them" Theory
  4. Video: How to Slow Down Time
  5. Thread: Insane details of famous paintings

Read time: 4 minutes

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My new favorite procrastination hack: The "To-Start" List

If you're anything like me, you probably have a love-hate relationship with to-do lists.

They always start promising—neat, organized, full of potential.

But then reality hits, and each item feels like a mountain you don't have the energy to climb.

That's why I've been doing something different lately:

The "To-Start" List.

Instead of overwhelming yourself with a bunch of daunting tasks, just write down the first step for each one.

That’s it. No grand plans, no pressure—just the starting point.

For example:
"Write the first sentence of the newsletter" instead of "Write the newsletter."
"Open the project file" instead of "Finish the project."

It’s crazy how much easier it is to get going when the goal is simply to start.

And a funny thing happens when you just get started. Momentum kicks in, and before you know it, you’re halfway through that task that felt "impossible" 30 minutes ago.

Your challenge this week:
Transform your to-do list into a to-start list. Create one actionable step for each of your pending tasks and see how much easier it feels to get started.

The life-changing power of "let them"

This week, I caught someone stealing my content.

As a creator, this is incredibly frustrating because there's very little you can do about it. Sure, you can file a complaint, but it never really does anything.

Now here's the problem.

I knew this was largely out of my control, but I still let it bother me.

A lot.

I spent the entire morning fuming about it.

Thinking about how I could get back at this person. Thinking about how unfair it was that someone could use my work without crediting me.

That's when I remembered something I heard from Mel Robbins:

The "Let Them" Theory.

Here’s the gist: when someone chooses to do something that you don’t agree with, instead of trying to control the situation or getting frustrated, you simply…let them.

Let them make that choice.
Let them have that opinion.
Let them take that path.

Instead of burning energy trying to change others, you focus on what you can control: your own actions and reactions.

My challenge to you:
The next time you find yourself frustrated by someone’s actions or choices, try the "Let them" approach. Observe how it feels to release that need to control and focus on your own well-being instead.

How To Slow Down Time (The Holiday Paradox) - Video from Ali Abdaal

I've written about the idea of 'Time Dilation' before.

How when we're operating on autopilot, our days can start to blur together. Waking up at the same time, commuting the same route, following the same routine—it can make life feel like it's on fast-forward.

But, by planting certain mental flagpoles, or 'anchors,' in our daily lives, we can 'slow down time' and make life feel richer and more expansive.

This video from Ali Abdaal highlights three simple strategies to help you do just that:

1. Anchors of Novelty: Routine makes time fly. The more novelty you introduce into your life—like taking a new route to work or trying a different hobby—the more time feels stretched out.

2. Anchors of Reflection: Journaling or taking photos creates memory markers, helping you remember days that might otherwise fade away.

3. Anchors of Mindfulness: Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools for time dilation. By focusing intently on the present moment, you create stronger memory anchors, making time feel slower and more meaningful.

Read this twice, seriously

Nothing to add here.

Just that if you're not already subscribed to James Clear's newsletter, you should be.

Easily the coolest thread I've seen in 2024 - crazy details in famous paintings

I've been obsessed with paintings for the last 6 months or so.

I’ll spare you the long story of how this started, but here’s what gets me: each painting is truly one-of-a-kind.

Music, books, movies—these mediums can all be replicated without losing their essence.

But a painting is a singular creation.

You can take a photo of it, make prints, or even try to copy it, but none of those will ever truly capture the magic of the original.

No matter what you do, you can never fully replicate the brushstrokes, the colors, and the tiny imperfections that make each piece unique.

It's so cool!

Ok, I'm done nerding out. But if you want to get into paintings, this thread is a great place to start.

P.S. If you don't use Twitter, you can view the thread here.

Have a great week!


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Hi! I'm Colby!

I'm obsessed with living a better life each and every day. I want to share what I learn and discover with you.

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By Colby Kultgen Hey friends. Welcome to 1% Better! If you're new here, this is the newsletter where I share the 5 best things I find each week to help you get a little better each day. Let's dive in! Today at a Glance: Article: 100 Tricks to Sort Out Your Life Tweet: Mastery is the best goal Idea: The Rule of 100 Video: 5 Productivity Principles that Actually Work Image: Work smarter not harder Read time: 4 minutes 100 tiny tricks to sort out your life - Article from The Guardian You guys...

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