1% Better: How to Remember Everything You Read, Search Google Like a Pro, and 10 Productivity Tools

By Colby Kultgen

Hey friends.

Welcome to 1% Better!

If you're new here, this is the newsletter where I share the 5 best things I find each week to help you get a little better each day.

Ok, let's dive in!

Today at a Glance:

  1. Infographic: How to Google Like a Pro
  2. Video: How to remember everything you read
  3. List: 10 productivity tools for a 'finite' life
  4. Idea: The harsh truth about time
  5. Tweet: What if Instagram was like a shop

Read time: 4 minutes

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How to search Google like a pro - High quality version here

I'm not usually the biggest fan of these cheat sheets.

But this one got me thinking.

Googling is the only activity I do every single day that I've never actually improved at.

These were ALL new to me (please tell me I'm not the only one).

How to remember everything you read - Video from Justin Sung

I've never heard it explained quite like this before.

I can't summarize the whole video, but the main point is this:

Learning is a balance between consuming and digesting information. If you're just consuming tons of content without processing it properly, you're setting yourself up to forget most of it.

There are five main types of information we deal with:

  1. Procedural (how-to): Digest this by actually practicing the skill.
  2. Analogous (making connections): Create analogies to relate new info to what you already know.
  3. Conceptual (facts, theories, principles): Use mind maps to connect concepts in a way that mirrors how experts think—nonlinear, networked knowledge.
  4. Evidence and 5. Reference (supporting details): Store these immediately and rehearse later with flashcards or spaced repetition.

The takeaway?

Slow down, process as you go, and don’t just overload on information. That’s how you’ll retain more without getting overwhelmed.

10 productivity tools to embrace life's 'finitude'

The best book I've read this year?


Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman.

The book challenges society's obsession with productivity (something I'm guilty of myself).

Instead, it encourages the reader to embrace the finite nature of life and focus their time and energy on what truly matters.

The book concludes with 10 practical tips to embrace life's "finitude" which I think are brilliant:

  1. Adopt a 'fixed volume' approach: Accept you can’t do everything. Keep two to-do lists—one “open” and one “closed” (with no more than 10 items). Add tasks from the open list only when you finish tasks from the closed list.
  2. Focus on one project at a time: Prioritize one major work and one non-work project. Tolerate the anxiety of postponing other tasks until you finish what’s at hand.
  3. Decide what to fail at: Embrace a conscious imbalance in life. Let non-priorities slide, and allow yourself to focus more on what truly matters.
  4. Celebrate your progress: Keep a “done” list to track accomplishments, no matter how small. Small wins provide motivation.
  5. Consolidate your caring: Focus your energy on a few causes. While many issues may seem pressing, your ability to make an impact depends on selective commitment.
  6. Simplify technology: Remove distractions by switching your phone to grayscale and using single-purpose devices like e-readers to help focus.
  7. Seek novelty in the mundane: Combat the sense that time speeds up by finding newness in daily life—take different routes, start small hobbies, or observe your surroundings more closely.
  8. Be curious in relationships: Approach challenging moments with curiosity. Instead of seeking specific outcomes, aim to understand the other person better.
  9. Act on generous impulses: When you feel an urge to be generous, act on it immediately rather than waiting, as delaying often leads to inaction.
  10. Practice doing nothing: Learn to sit with discomfort by doing nothing for short periods, which helps you resist poor choices made simply to feel productive.

Make sure to check out the full book.

A harsh truth that took me way too long to learn

Speaking of managing your time...

Here's a harsh truth that took me way too long to learn:

You’re never going to “find” time.

We fall into the trap of believing we're going to wake up one day and suddenly be less busy—but that’s not how life works.

Something will always come up.

A new task.
A new distraction.
A new priority.

The reality is, If you really want something to happen, you have to MAKE time in your schedule for it.

That might mean:
Working on a weekend.
Waking up 30 minutes earlier.
Going to bed 30 minutes later.
Replacing TV time with a project.
Using lunch breaks to build a skill.
Reducing screen time (easy target).
Saying no to non-essential commitments.

Take a minute today to consider what you need to MAKE more time for in your life.

I feel like this would make the world a better place 😂

Have a great week!


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Hi! I'm Colby!

I'm obsessed with living a better life each and every day. I want to share what I learn and discover with you.

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By Colby Kultgen Hey friends. Welcome to 1% Better! If you're new here, this is the newsletter where I share the 5 best things I find each week to help you get a little better each day. Let's dive in! Today at a Glance: Article: 100 Tricks to Sort Out Your Life Tweet: Mastery is the best goal Idea: The Rule of 100 Video: 5 Productivity Principles that Actually Work Image: Work smarter not harder Read time: 4 minutes 100 tiny tricks to sort out your life - Article from The Guardian You guys...

By Colby Kultgen Hey friends. Welcome to 1% Better! If you're new here, this is the newsletter where I share the 5 best things I find each week to help you get a little better each day. Quick note: Last week's issue was redirected to a lot of people's promotion folder. If you missed it, you can read it here. To make sure this doesn't happen in the future, simply reply to this email with "hey". Ok, let's dive in! Today at a Glance: Idea: The "To-Start" List Video: How to Slow Down Time...

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