1% Better: How We Spend Time, The Power of Quests, and Reclaiming Joy

By Colby Kultgen

Hey friends.

40 days and 5 countries later, I'm finally back from Europe!

Expect a special edition newsletter with some lessons from my travels soon.

In the meantime, this is the newsletter where I share the 5 best things I find each week to help you get a little better each day.

Let's dive in!

Today at a Glance:

  • Visual: A chart that will change how you see life
  • Question: What makes the hours pass like minutes?
  • Quote: Old ways won't open new doors
  • Article: Do Quests, Not Goals
  • Tweet: Be careful with typos

Read time: 4 minutes

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A chart that will change the way you see life

Every six months or so, this chart finds its way back to me.

I always stop to look at it, and it never fails to hit hard.

It outlines how the average American spends their time over a lifespan—time with parents, friends, partners, children, coworkers, and time spent alone.

Here are my biggest takeaways:

  1. By age 20 you’ll have used up the majority of time you have with your parents and siblings. Cherish your time with them—it's less than you may realize.
  2. After age 30, the time you spend alone will gradually increase until you die. Loneliness is common, but not inevitable, if you make a conscious effort to keep in touch with friends and family.
  3. A huge amount of your adult life will be spent with the people you work with. Make an effort to get along with your co-workers, you’ll be with them A LOT.
  4. Around age 30 your number of close friends and the time you spend with them will decrease. Friends will come and go like seasons. But you always have the power to reach out.
  5. The time you spend with your partner will increase until the day that one of you dies. Who you choose as a partner is the biggest decision you’ll make in life.
  6. The second-most important decision you'll make is where you live. Living closer to family and friends can make it easier to maintain those relationships. Simple as that.

A question I can't stop thinking about

What did you do as a child that made the hours pass like minutes?

I believe so much of adulthood is about trying to reclaim the curiosity, joy, and passion for life we had as children.

One of the best ways to do that is by reconnecting with an activity that made time fly when you were young.

A sport.
A hobby.
A creative pursuit.

For me, it's making music.

Yes, I used to make music.
No, you can’t listen to it—lol.

I've recently started a DJ course to reignite some of my music-making joy and pick up some new skills along the way.

My challenge to you:
Reply to this email with your answer to the question above (and what you're going to do to about it).

A short quote that contains a lot of wisdom

"Old ways won't open new doors."

Remember this:
If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done.

Is your comfort zone holding you back?

Why You Should Do Quests, Not Goals - Article from David Cain

Loved this idea from David Cain of raptitude.com

Instead of treating your goals like to-do list items, try turning them into quests.

Here’s what makes quests different:

  1. Quests are Adventures: Unlike goals, which can feel like chores, quests are exciting journeys. Expect challenges, surprises, and growth along the way.
  2. Quests Transform You: While goals focus on changing your situation, quests change you. The process itself—facing challenges, learning new skills—turns you into a more capable person.
  3. Quests Have Dragons: Every quest has a “dragon”—an inner obstacle that seems daunting but must be overcome. Facing this dragon is what leads to true transformation.
  4. Quests Make an Impact: Whether big or small, each quest adds new capabilities to your life and, ultimately, to the world around you. Your personal victory could inspire others or bring about meaningful change.

This made me laugh way too hard

Have a great week!


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Hi! I'm Colby!

I'm obsessed with living a better life each and every day. I want to share what I learn and discover with you.

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By Colby Kultgen Hey friends. Welcome to 1% Better! If you're new here, this is the newsletter where I share the 5 best things I find each week to help you get a little better each day. Let's dive in! Today at a Glance: Article: 100 Tricks to Sort Out Your Life Tweet: Mastery is the best goal Idea: The Rule of 100 Video: 5 Productivity Principles that Actually Work Image: Work smarter not harder Read time: 4 minutes 100 tiny tricks to sort out your life - Article from The Guardian You guys...

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By Colby Kultgen Hey friends. Welcome to 1% Better! If you're new here, this is the newsletter where I share the 5 best things I find each week to help you get a little better each day. Ok, let's dive in! Today at a Glance: Infographic: How to Google Like a Pro Video: How to remember everything you read List: 10 productivity tools for a 'finite' life Idea: The harsh truth about time Tweet: What if Instagram was like a shop Read time: 4 minutes View this email in your browser 1% Better is...

By Colby Kultgen Hey friends. Welcome to 1% Better! If you're new here, this is the newsletter where I share the 5 best things I find each week to help you get a little better each day. Quick note: Last week's issue was redirected to a lot of people's promotion folder. If you missed it, you can read it here. To make sure this doesn't happen in the future, simply reply to this email with "hey". Ok, let's dive in! Today at a Glance: Idea: The "To-Start" List Video: How to Slow Down Time...