Unlearn These Rules, A Must-Watch Video, and How to Take Smart Notes

Hello friend—Colby here.

I have a small ask this week.

If you enjoy this newsletter, it would mean the world to me if you sent it to a friend who might also enjoy it.

Honestly, it would be a huge help.

Also, I would love you forever.

OK, back to business.
Let's dive in...

Estimated read time: 4 minutes

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1. 🎥 A video every creator (and non-creator) needs to watch - The drawing advice that changed my life by Struthless

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Holy crap, this is a great video.

It was sent to me and honestly I wasn't expecting much based on the title (I don't draw).

But wow, the advice in this video is something everyone should hear.


Basically, Campbell (guy in the video) was working for an artist who was acting as his mentor at the time. Campbell was very scattered with his own work and couldn't understand why he wasn't finding success.

Until one day the mentor sat him down and gave him this harsh truth:

"Campbell, you know what your problem is, one day you write a song, the next day you write a poem, and the third day you do a drawing, and none of it adds up to anything.
All you're doing is laying a single brick of a million different houses and expecting that one day it'll magically become a mansion."

Naturally, Campbell asked how he could fix it.

The mentor gave him this simple (yet life changing advice):

"Draw the same thing every single day"

Although initially hesitant, Campbell committed to it. He chose a subject and drew it every single day. This quickly led him to discover what he really wanted to pursue (which was only possible through taking consistent action).

Campbell highlights 4 things he loves about the advice:

1. Quantity leads to quality

Desire for quality --> quantity (getting reps) --> quality
A lot of people try to skip the second step.

2. Promotes constraints for creativity

One of the scariest things for a creator? A blank page.
It's not liberating, it's terrifying. Constraints can remove the paralysis we deal with when presented with too many options.

3. Action comes before motivation

How people think it works:
motivation --> action --> more action

How it actually works:
action --> motivation --> more action

4. It removes "thinking" as a form of procrastination

"Thinking about stuff is not doing stuff." Over planning is the most dangerous form of procrastination because it FEELS productive.

Sorry, that was a long TL:DW.

But this video deserves it.
Do yourself a favor and watch the full thing.

2. 🧠 9 imaginary rules to unlearn (that will change your life) - Post from Ben Meer

Easily my favorite LinkedIn post from last week.

We place so many limits on ourselves because of programming we receive from society, family, social media, and even our own brains.

The stories we're told, and the stories we tell ourselves.

It's worth taking the time to examine these beliefs and challenge the ones that don't serve us.

I wanted to highlight these 3:

3. Imaginary Rule: Avoid risks because everyone will judge you.

Spotlight Effect (cognitive bias): We think people are paying far more attention to us than they are. Harsh truth: Your freedom begins the day you realize nobody is thinking about you.
6. Imaginary Rule: Successful people take shortcuts.

Avoid shiny object syndrome. Instead, focus on the boring basics. Get 1% better every day, and you’ll be 37x better in one year (Source: Atomic Habits).
8. Imaginary Rule: You can’t change.

A growth mindset is believing you CAN improve your abilities through dedication and hard work. Mastery takes time (for everyone). Commit yourself to lifelong learning.

Read the full post here.

3. 📚 38 Life-Changing Reading Rules - Blog post from Ryan Holiday

In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn't read all the time — none, zero.
—Chalie Munger

This quote lives rent-free in my head.

Don't get me wrong, I love reading, and I do it quite a bit.

But it's a habit I could be much better with—and there are so many great books out there I don't want to miss out on.

I already know I'll be implementing a few of these rules:

Do it all the time. Bring a book with you everywhere. I’ve read at the Grammy’s and in the moments before going under for a surgery. I’ve read on planes and beaches, in cars and in cars while I waited for a tow truck. You take the pockets of time you can get.
- Beat them up. Books are not precious things. As an author, I love it when people hand me a book to sign that has had real miles put on it. When people hand me a pristine copy and tell me it’s their favorite, I assume they are just flattering me. It’s obvious what my favorite books are…because they’re falling apart
If you see a book you want, just buy it. Don’t worry about the price. Reading is not a luxury. It’s not something you splurge on. It’s a necessity. Even if all you get is one life-changing idea from a book, that’s still a pretty good ROI.

4. ✍️ How to Take Smart Notes - YouTube video from Vicky Zhao

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Ok, now that we're feeling inspired to read, let's learn how to retain what we read.

This video by Vicky Zhao lays out a simple way to maximize your reading time (if you want to), by taking Smart Notes.

I particularly love the Zettelkasten Compass method she highlights to break down ideas using these 4 questions:

  1. Where does the idea come from?
  2. What's the opposite of this idea?
  3. What's similar to this idea?
  4. Where does this idea lead to?

5. 🐥 Tweet (X) of the week (does anyone actually call it "X"?)

Sums up my whole life.

(Also, any fellow Succession fans out there? 👀)

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Hi! I'm Colby!

I'm obsessed with living a better life each and every day. I want to share what I learn and discover with you.

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By Colby Kultgen Hey friends. Welcome to 1% Better! If you're new here, this is the newsletter where I share the 5 best things I find each week to help you get a little better each day. Quick note: Last week's issue was redirected to a lot of people's promotion folder. If you missed it, you can read it here. To make sure this doesn't happen in the future, simply reply to this email with "hey". Ok, let's dive in! Today at a Glance: Idea: The "To-Start" List Video: How to Slow Down Time...

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